On 17 Jan 2018, at 15:57, Raymond Lewis <lewis-r8@sky.com> wrote:

Understand that but would have thought that should not prevent us from putting together a skeleton of a document that says this is what we are striving towards and this is where the information and detail already submitted fits or is this not practical.

What say Faustina and Nicolette??


On 17 Jan 2018, at 15:43, Joanne Brown <wwpc@talktalk.net> wrote:

Dear Ray
Thank you for your email. I’m not sure that the group will be ready with any draft policies yet??
From: Raymond Lewis [mailto:lewis-r8@sky.com] 
Sent: 17 January 2018 15:14
To: Faustina Bayo <Faustina.Bayo@ruralsussex.org.uk>; Nicolette Pike <nicolettepike@btinternet.com>; West Wittering Parish Council <wwpc@talktalk.net>
Subject: First NP Meeting of 2018
First let me thank you for your support and input as both individuals and part of the team through 2017.
So we are well rested and ready to start the new year with rekindled dedication and eye on the target. Bearing that in mind I am inclined to think it would be a good idea if we could produce an output a sample to empower the group. There is nothing more motivating than seeing and touching the fruits of your endeavours and that I suggest would be a great way to start 2018.
We have generated a lot of paper, we have, as stated by Joanne at our last meeting of the year met and submitted the minimum requirements of the 15 December deadline for the focus groups, so I would suggest the following Faustina
Compile a draft Neighbourhood Plan of 30 or 40 pages as per your template Faustina, complete with an index, section pages and sub-sections where applicable, populated with the data already submitted, blank sections and pages where there is still work to do (its a draft its a sample) so the group can see what we are working towards completing.
I believe this can be done and the hard copy document will by its very existence, motivate those being charged with the task before them.
Are we able to table a draft of the NP plan at our first meeting of the year on the 30th please let me know if that would be a possibility.
 As for an agenda for that meeting:
View and comment on draft NP (FB if Possible)
Note and review past years achievements and progress (All)
Review Updated project plan gantt chart (last update June 2017) (FB)
Agree a new task schedule and targets for the period  (RL, FB, All)
If anyone has any other item or ideas we might want added or issues to discuss please let Joanne know in good time for Agenda Circulation, Please let me see final Agenda if it differs